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27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) in Kiel (virtual)


In September 2021, Cynthia Dunning Thierstein organised a session with Peter Kienzle (Germany) and Birgitta Larsson (Sweden) on universal accessibility at the annual conference of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) hosted by the University of Kiel (Germany). This session entitled "UNIVERSAL DESIGN OR HOW TO GUARANTEE ACCESS TO ALL ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AND PARKS" attempted to explore accessibility projects on archaeological sites in Europe and to survey the work done on research methodology on this highly topical issue. Cynthia Dunning Thierstein introduced the topic with a general presentation on universal accessibility. This session will probably be subject to publication.

In addition, Cynthia Dunning Thierstein co-organised a second session with Margaret Gowen Larsen (Ireland and Denmark) and Annemarie Willems (Netherlands). This session entitled "COVID -19: ASSESSING THE IMPACT AND PLANNING FOR A DIFFERENT FUTURE FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE TOURISM" aimed to assess the impact of the COVID pandemic on archaeological tourism and how it would develop in the future. It also aimed to assess how archaeological and other cultural sites open to the public faced closure for several months. In this framework, Jan Mařík (Czech Republic), Olga Lečbychová (Czech Republic) and Cynthia Dunning Thierstein presented the effects of the pandemic on the presentation of archaeological sites in the Czech Republic entitled "Unlocking Archaeological Sites to Public in Lockdown: Exploring the Local and Neglected" .

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  • Tourism
  • Management
  • Universal Access
  • Colloquium
  • Lecture
  • Publication
  • Development of know-how
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Organisation
  • Networking