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© ArchaeoConcept

L’œuvre architecturale de Le Corbusier, une contribution exceptionnelle au Mouvement Moderne (Geneva)Organisation of the international meeting


ArchaeoConcept was mandated by the Federal Office of Culture (OFC), the Federal Department of Home Affairs (DFI) and the Office of Heritage and Sites of the Department of the Territory of the Republic and Canton of Geneva to organise the Permanent Conference on "L’œuvre architecturale de Le Corbusier, une contribution exceptionnelle au Mouvement Moderne" which was held in September 2018 in Geneva. This international meeting follows the inscription of Le Corbusier's architectural work on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2016. It involves 17 sites in seven different countries (France, Switzerland, Argentina, Belgium, Germany, Japan and India). This meeting, held annually in one of the countries involved, allows the managers of this serial transnational property to share their experiences and define coordinated actions for the global management of this immovable heritage. The specialists' meeting was followed by a public conference with about fifty participants. The closing debate was moderated by Cynthia Dunning Thierstein.

  • Switzerland
  • International
  • Colloquium
  • Event
  • Lecture
  • Multilingual
  • Organisation